Sunday, May 15, 2011

I AM the Way – Lesson 6

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." – John 14:6

Jesus is THE ONLY WAY to the Father.
Jesus is the word of God.  And the word of God IS THE TRUTH.
Without the Father, there is no life.

Will you follow Him to eternity?

I Am the bread of life!
I Am the light of the world!
I Am the door of the sheep!
I Am the good shepherd!
I Am the resurrection and the life!
I Am the way, the truth, and the life.

Seeking and Following,

You go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you, wherever you are, God has put you there; He has a purpose in your being there. Christ who dwells within you has something He wants to do through you wherever you are. Believe this and go in His grace and love and power.


  1. But if we truly accept him, aren't we going to act Christlike? I pose this question, because if we don't change our ways and continue to be selfish, greedy,racist, judgmental, or lack compassion,etc. what does that mean? Isn't it also in the scriptures that we need to follow the examples of Christ. We will never be perfect and will slip, but I have difficulty with the concept that just saying we believe is all he expects. If he judges us, as is referenced in Revelations and elsewhere, then our actions must account for something also.

  2. Mary, I believe your initial statement is key: "if we TRULY accept him..." With the key word being "truly."
