The law of "Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions" contends, that a simple change at one place, can cause profound changes elsewhere in a complex system. The butterfly effect is a metaphor for this theory. The tiny changes in the atmosphere caused by the flapping wings of a butterfly, may set off a series of events that can ultimately create a hurricane.
Take a few minutes to watch Andy Andrews talk about the Butterfly Effect in the real world.
You will heard Andy talk about Joshua Chamberlain, Henry Wallace and George Washington Carver. But we as Christians know of a better example – Jesus Christ. Where would the world be today, had God not sent his Son to die for our sins? Where would the world be tomorrow, had you not lived today? The Butterfly Effect. Never underestimate the value that your Christian walk is having on the world around you.
Seeking and Following,
You go nowhere by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you, wherever you are, God has put you there; He has a purpose in your being there. Christ who dwells within you has something He wants to do through you wherever you are. Believe this and go in His grace and love and power.
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